Aboriginal Flag Flies at Parliament House

15 September 2015 Mr WALSH (Murray Plains) (By leave) – As the Leader of The Nationals the party dedicated to representing the people of rural and regional Victoria I am very pleased to rise today to speak on this historic occasion. I know today’s events at Parliament House will be well received by our rural and regional communities…


Matter of Public Importance

1 September 2015 Trade union influence Mr WALSH (Murray Plains) – If that was an audition for the position of the next deputy leader of the government next Deputy Premier of Victoria the member for Keysborough needs a few more lessons because that was an uncoordinated ramble and rant about a whole heap of disjointed things. Mate…


Hon. Frank Noel Wilkes AM

1 September 2015 Mr WALSH (Murray Plains) – I rise to join other members of Parliament particularly the Premier and the Leader of the Opposition in speaking on the condolence motion for Frank Noel Wilkes. As has already been said Frank was born in Northcote and educated at the Northcote state primary school and high school and…



1st September 2015 Hon. Francis Raymond Scully Mr WALSH (Murray Plains) – I also rise to join the condolence motion for Francis Raymond Scully. As has been said Frank was born in Bendigo on 27 January 1920 and passed away peacefully at Cabrini Prahran aged 95 in August this year. He is survived by his wife Moira. He…



20 August 2015 Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority constraint management strategy Mr WALSH (Murray Plains) – My adjournment matter is directed to the Minister for Environment Climate Change and Water. It concerns the constraint management strategy that the Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority (CMA) is preparing for the upper Goulburn River as part of the Murray-Darling Basin…


Sessional Orders

6 August 2015 Business of the House Mr WALSH (Murray Plains) – I rise to make a contribution to the debate on this motion. I start by suggesting to the Leader of the House after the appalling contribution from the member for Bundoora that the government might like to go out into the vestibule of the Parliament…
