Members Statement – Campapse Crime

Tuesday 11th October 2016 Mr WALSH (Murray Plains) – The crime wave and law and order crisis that is spreading right across Victoria is not just a Melbourne issue. I draw the house’s attention to the small town of Lockington where the Pentreath’s Foodworks business had a staff member the baker held early in the morning at…


Adjournment – Swan Hill District Health

Tuesday 11th October 2016 Mr WALSH (Murray Plains) – (11 775) My adjournment issue tonight is for the Minister for Health and it is in regard to a funding application for $2.6 million from the Regional Health Infrastructure Fund for a hospice at the Swan Hill District Health hospital. To my understanding the application was submitted back in May.…


Business of the House – Vacancy

15 September 2016 Adjournment – Business of the House Mr WALSH (Murray Plains) – I rise to support the manager of opposition business in his opposition to the adjournment of the house. In doing that I suppose we can give a bit of latitude to the members for Essendon and Macedon for their contributions because they are…


The Dairy Industry

14th September 2016 Member’s Statement – Dairy industry Mr WALSH (Murray Plains) – The Andrews government is blatantly discriminating against dairy farming families in my electorate of Murray Plains who choose to send their children to their nearest denominational school of choice in this case Moama Anglican Grammar School. These families are eligible for the Victorian school…
