Constituency Question – Rochester Ambulance Service

Constituency Question – Rochester Ambulance Service 26th July 2018 Mr WALSH (Murray Plains) (11:52:31) – (14 708) My constituency question is to the Minister for Health and it is on behalf of the Rochester community. Twelve months ago Ambulance Victoria implemented a trial roster of two-officer crews at the Rochester ambulance station. The trial recently concluded and the…


Matters of Public Importance – Australian Labor Party

Matters of Public Importance – Australian Labor Party 25th July 2018 Mr WALSH (Murray Plains) (14:31:51) – I rise to support the member for Bulleen and his matter of public importance (MPI) which says: That this house condemns the Andrews Labor government for its systematic rorting of Victorian taxpayers dollars including: (1)   rorting electorate office budgets for…


Members Statement – Kow Swamp

Members Statement – Kow Swamp I raise the ongoing saga of the Lions picnic park at Kow Swamp near Leitchville. The floods of 2011 caused erosion to start at this popular picnic area and given it is on the eastern side of Kow Swamp it is constantly being eroded further by the prevailing westerly winds.…


Matters Of Public Importance – Infrastructure Projects

Matters Of Public Importance – Infrastructure Projects Mr WALSH (Murray Plains) (14:43:43) – I rise to make a contribution on the member for Narre Warren North’s matter of public importance (MPI) which I will not give the satisfaction of reading out because it is just a long litany of self-praise. If you look at the matter of…


Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Australian Broadcasting Corporation Mr WALSH (Murray Plains) (10:11:28) – It is a pleasure to get up and respond to the Leader of the House on her motion. It is an interesting position from the Leader of the House to defend the media when she is the one who has been accused of bullying and threatening to sue…


Adjournment – Wandella Recreation Reserve

Adjournment – Wandella Recreation Reserve Mr WALSH (Murray Plains) (19:04:52) – (14 589) My adjournment issue tonight is for the Minister for Roads and Road Safety and it probably fits into both of his portfolio titles. It concerns the Wandella Football Club the Wandella Bombers who are just west-south-west of Kerang and play in the Golden Rivers Football…
