Wednesday 7th February 2018 – Second reading Mr WALSH (Murray Plains) (16:44:24) — I rise to speak on the Labour Hire Licensing Bill 2017. I note the previous speaker the member for Williamstown talked about what they are doing with this bill and the fact that he was proud to be on the Labor side of politics.…


Member’s Statement – Hon. Stuart Richard McDonald AM

Tuesday 6th February 2018 – Hon. Stuart Richard McDonald AM Mr WALSH (Murray Plains) (15:50:33) — Recently I attended a service to celebrate the life of Stuart Richard McDonald AM. Stuart was born in Rochester and attended Timmering East Primary School Echuca High School and University High School before completing a bachelor of science with honours and…


CONDOLENCES Hon. Arthur Andrew McCutcheon

Tuesday 6th February 2018 – Hon. Arthur Andrew McCutcheon Mr WALSH (Murray Plains) (12:26:40) — Thank you very much Speaker and I join the condolence motion on behalf of The Nationals. Andrew McCutcheon was born in Melbourne in September 1931. He attended Wesley College and then had his tertiary education at Melbourne University where he obtained a…


Primary Industries Legislation Amendment Bill 2017

Second reading Debate resumed from 29 November; motion of Ms ALLAN (Minister for Public Transport). Mr WALSH (Murray Plains) (16:45:20) — I rise to speak on behalf of the Liberal-Nationals on the Primary Industries Legislation Amendment Bill 2017. As all members would be aware this is an omnibus bill that makes a number of amendments to acts regulating…


Second Reading – Domestic Animals Amendment (Puppy Farms and Pet Shops Bill) 2016

Wednesday 29th November 2017 Second reading Debate resumed from 12 October 2016; motion of Ms ALLAN (Minister for Public Transport). Government amendments circulated by Ms ALLAN (Minister for Public Transport) under standing orders. Mr WALSH (Murray Plains) (12:00:26) — I rise to speak on the Domestic Animals Amendment (Puppy Farms and Pet Shops) Bill 2016. It is interesting that…
