Kangaroo pet food program

Friday 29 March 2019   The Andrews Government’s decision to continue the kangaroo pet food program is long overdue. Farmers professional shooters and pet food processors have been calling on the Government to confirm the trial’s future for months after being left in limbo year after year because Daniel Andrews refused to make the trial…


Daniel Andrews on standby as country Victoria loses population

Thursday 28 March 2019   Daniel Andrews’ Melbourne-centric agenda is strangling growth in country communities with new figures showing a shocking decline in Regional Victoria’s population. The latest Regional Population Growth report from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) reveals Melbourne’s bursting at the seams with 327 people moving to the city every day. Melbourne…


Veterans Capital Works Grants Now Open

Thursday 21st March 2019 Ex-service organisations local government and not-for-profit groups who support veterans and their families can now apply for funding through the Veterans Capital Works Grants Program to improve their buildings and facilities. Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh is encouraging eligible groups and organisations to consider submitting…


Country drivers pay for Labor’s Transurban deal

Tuesday 19 March 2019 Country motorists can’t get local pot holes fixed but Daniel Andrews is shamelessly forcing them to pay for his West Gate Tunnel deal. Country drivers coming to Melbourne via CityLink will take a hip pocket hit after the Andrews Labor Government signed up to a secretive deal with Transurban that will…


Cannabis jobs a coup for Mildura

Tuesday 19 March 2019   Today’s announcement by Cann Group to construct a new medicinal cannabis production facility to Mildura is a coup for the region and welcomed by the Victorian Liberal Nationals. Shadow Minister for Regional Victoria and Decentralisation Peter Walsh said the new jobs created by the investment would be a welcome boost…


Country Football & Netball Grants Program Open

Thursday 14 March 2019   Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh has encouraged grassroots football and netball clubs and umpiring associations to apply for grants of up to $100 000 to improve their facilities. Applications for the current round of The Country Football and Netball Program are now open and…


Basin Authority Jobs for Mildura welcomed

Tuesday 12 March 2019 The Federal Government’s action to bring new jobs to Mildura with a Murray Darling Basin Authority office has been warmly welcomed by the Victorian Liberal Nationals. Shadow Minister for Regional Victoria and Decentralisation Peter Walsh and Shadow Minister for Water Steph Ryan said the Basin Authority office was an ideal fit…


Water Minister Urged to Submit Mitiamo Application

Friday 8th March 2019 Water Minister Lisa Neville has been given the hurry up to submit the Mitiamo Pipeline project’s formal application for Commonwealth funding. Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh said he and his Federal colleague Damian Drum had ensured the Prime Minister Deputy Prime Minister and Federal Water Minister are all aware of…


Minister clueless on promised drought cash grants

Wednesday 6 March 2019   Agriculture Minister Jaclyn Symes failed to give even basic details on how the State’s Drought Hardship Support will roll out when questioned in State Parliament today. The Nationals Member for Eastern Victoria Melina Bath questioned Minister Symes after being inundated with calls from Gippsland farmers who are trying to access…


Walsh Issues Invitation to Parliament House

Friday 1st March 2019 Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh has issued an invitation to the people of Murray Plains Electorate to visit Parliament House on Sunday 17th March 2019. “The Victorian Parliament is celebrating Cultural Diversity Week with an open day filled with music dancing and food from around…


Grants Available to Support Country Cricket

Monday 25 February 2019 Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh is encouraging clubs to submit an application to the Australian Cricket Infrastructure Fund which is also open to councils and the Grassroots Cricket Fund. “The Grassroots Cricket Fund is open to clubs situated only in regional and rural areas with…
