Statement on the 2020 duck hunting season

The Andrews Government has announced a drastically reduced 2020 duck hunting season today. Opening weekend will be on May 2, with a bag limit of three ducks per day and a modified length of five weeks. A full season runs for nearly 12 weeks from mid-March to mid-June with a bag limit of 10 ducks…


Dedicated fund needed to support bushfire recovery

The bushfires that ripped through north-east Victoria and East Gippsland have had a catastrophic impact on local communities. The mammoth task of cleaning up homes and sheds that were destroyed and replacing fencing and farm infrastructure will take years. A dedicated fund is required to ensure the rebuilding needs of local communities are met. Today,…


Ag scientist jobs on the chopping block

Agriculture Minister Jaclyn Symes has failed to guarantee the job security of soil scientists at AgriBio and groundwater and salinity research staff in Bendigo. Today in Question Time, Minister Symes dodged questions about the rumoured jobs cuts from Agriculture Victoria. The Minister’s refusal of ongoing support to these important functions is risking Victoria’s ability to…


Fuel reduction saves lives

Today the “Fuel Reduction Saves Lives” campaign calling for increased fuel reduction on public land was launched at State Parliament. The Leader of the Nationals, Shadow Minister for Agriculture, Peter Walsh and Shadow Assistant Minister for Public Land Use, Member for Eastern Victoria Region, Melina Bath and the Bush Users Group United (BUGU) launched the…



Dear Editor, Timber contractors have worked tirelessly to help our bushfire-affected communities to recover, but Daniel Andrews has still continued his war with them. Nearly 100 workers were put out of a job this week when the Andrews Government cancelled contracts for timber coupes in East Gippsland. It’s a slap in the face to people…


Farm trespass inquiry delivers final report

Background The final report in the Inquiry into the Impact of Animal Rights Activism on Victorian Agriculture has been released. The Liberal Nationals moved to establish the inquiry after calls from farmers and farm communities for better protections against a worsening militant campaign of trespass and livestock theft. But instead of backing our farmers, Labor…


Labor must release bushfire fuel load maps

Despite devastating bushfires this summer, Daniel Andrews is refusing to release critical information about where dangerous bushfire fuel loads exist across Victoria. With months of potentially dangerous bushfire season still ahead, communities have the right to know about the fuel loads surrounding them and the bushfire risks they face.  Past practice has been to release fuel…


Daniel Andrews must recommit to Bushfires Royal Commission planned burns target

The recent devastating bushfires have highlighted the vital importance of properly managing public land to mitigate bushfire risk. Sadly, the bushfires have also demonstrated the error of the Andrews Labor Government’s decision to abandon the planned burning recommendation of the 2009 Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission (VBRC). Having considered expert evidence following the horrific 2009 Black…



Timber contractors have spent weeks clearing dangerous timber from roadsides to ensure the safety of Victorians returning to their communities after catastrophic bushfires in East Gippsland and north east Victoria. This includes many tonnes of sawlog grade timber that will go to waste if the Andrews Government doesn’t act to utilise it. I’ve written to…


Property and fence assessments must be fast-tracked

Financial support for farmers to replace boundary fencing destroyed in the bushfires must be rolled out immediately. Bushfire-affected farmers in East Gippsland and north east Victoria will be relieved the Victorian Government has finally confirmed today it will cover half the cost of replacing fencing that borders state forests and national parks. Daniel Andrews must…



Dear Editor, The Andrews Labor Government can’t walk away and leave the Murray Basin Rail Project half done. Producers and stakeholders should be reaping the benefits of a completed Basin Rail project by now. But under Labor’s mismanagement, the project is stalled and out-of-money and the damning feedback from key stakeholders is that “we were…
