Monday 3 July 2017
Labor’s Heyfield deception
Hundreds of jobs at Heyfield’s timber mill remain in jeopardy despite the Andrews Government’s claims today.
The Government’s media statement this morning says “”¦there will be no job losses while contractual negotiations are finalised “ but offers zero commitment beyond that period.
Minister Pulford also told ABC 774 today that the timber offer to the mill “has not changed” which confirms that future job losses at the mill are inevitable.
Comments attributable to Shadow Minister for Agriculture Peter Walsh
Daniel Andrews and Jaala Pulford have yet again failed to give Heyfield mill workers long term certainty for their jobs.
The only way to save these jobs is to increase timber supply and the Andrews Government confirmed again today that they aren’t prepared to put jobs first.
Labor starved the mill of a timber supply and caused a fire-sale and then the government bought it at bargain basement price.
Instead of seeking accolades Daniel Andrews should get down to Heyfield come clean and admit he has failed to save all 260 jobs.
Comments attributable to The Nationals Member for Gippsland East Tim Bull
Saying there will be “no jobs lost in transition“ gives no comfort for the workers as it provides no long term security and in fact workers have already been told there will be job losses and redundancies due to the reduced timber supply.
It’s a disgrace for Labor to claim this is a “great day for Heyfield“ and a “great relief“ for workers when the Andrews Government has led from the start a process that will result in significant job losses in the town.