Nominate a Victorian Young Achiever – Walsh

Tuesday 30 August 2016 Nominate a Victorian Young Achiever – Walsh Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh is calling for nominations for the Victorian Young Achiever Awards for 2017. Mr Walsh said the Young Achiever Awards recognise the achievements of young Australians who have worked to provide a service program…

Legislative Council Vacancy

17 August 2016 Mr WALSH (Murray Plains) – I am glad that the Leader of the House has finally put the government’s reasons on the table because the member for Williamstown in moving the motion acted like it was a hot potato he had been handed by the Leader of the House. He was standing there shaking.…

National Party Centenary

17 August 2016 Mr WALSH (Murray Plains) – On 29 and 30 July this year the National Party held its centenary conference. In September 1916 the National Party was formed here in Victoria with a meeting at the State Library. On the Saturday night of our conference we actually had the function at the State Library and what…

Andrews tramples democracy for Northern Victorians

Wednesday 17 August 2016 Daniel Andrews has continued his political thuggery and intimidation denying the people of Northern Victoria their democratic right to full representation. The Andrews Labor Government has thrown the parliament into chaos by denying normal parliamentary conventions for the second time this week preventing the swearing in of the fifth Northern Victorian…