Tuesday 30 August 2016
Nominate a Victorian Young Achiever – Walsh
Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh is calling for nominations for the Victorian Young Achiever Awards for 2017.
Mr Walsh said the Young Achiever Awards recognise the achievements of young Australians who have worked to provide a service program or project for young people that has resulted in positive youth-led changes in a local community.
“Past winners include Mark Green of Wodonga who is passionate about celebrating diversity equality and social justice and Jessi McEwan of Morwell who represented Australia in the World Chef’s Forum in Norway ” Mr Walsh said.
“It’s a tremendous pleasure to call for nominations for the Victorian Young Achiever Awards for 2017 and I particularly encourage young people from our regional and rural areas to apply ” Mr Walsh said.
“There are so many outstanding young role models in our rural communities who are by example encouraging their peers to develop leadership and life skills with a sense of pride and self confidence.
“If people know of a local young person who is motivating young Australians in their chosen field of endeavour then encouraging them to nominate for the Victorian Young Achiever Awards is a tremendous way of highlighting those achievements ” he said.
Further information can be found at www.awardsaustralia.com/young-achiever-awards/vic or by connecting with the Young Achiever Awards on your preferred social media platform.
Nominations opened on 30th August and close on 1st December and nominees must be under 29 years of age as at 31st December 2016.
Judging will take place on Tuesday 4th April 2017 and the Awards Gala Presentation Dinner will be held on Friday 26th May 2017.