The Nationals Member for Murray Plains, Peter Walsh, says Echuca Police will walk off the job tomorrow afternoon in a symbolic 30-minute protest at stalled pay talks with the Allan Labor government.
Mr Walsh says with crime dominating headlines across the state and Victoria’s shrinking police force desperately holding the frontline of community safety, he is at a total loss to understand Premier Allan’s refusal to recognise how underpaid and overworked our police are.
He says the fact the police are making it a symbolic walk off, not a full-blown strike, is as good an indictor as anyone needs for their sense of responsibility and care.
“Echuca police are not going to fail their community the way the Allan Labor government is failing them,” Mr Walsh says.
“This ridiculous stalling tactic of Premier Allan has dragged on for 14 month – the actual EBA with the police expired in December of 2023,” he says.
“If this was her corrupt CFMEU allies they wouldn’t just walk off the job indefinitely, they would be making outrageous demands to return to work – but our police are making fair and reasonable requests which simply reflect other wage deals Labor has done with more politically aligned unions.”
Campaspe Police Service area delegate Leading Senior Constable Barry McLeod says even for the 30 minutes the more than 20 officers will down tools if there is an urgent call it will be immediately responded to.
LSC McLeod says none of the police involved want their actions to have a negative impact on the public they serve, but they want their message heard.
“There is widespread frustration amongst the members, we don’t just believe we are being ignored, we know it,” he says.
“The government walked away from negotiations as fast as it could, and on the flimsiest of excuses, and there has been little progress ever since.
“At the same time we are, mostly through that frustration and through burnout, losing way too many members with the experience necessary to guide the force into the future.
“It’s all very well to say the government is recruiting new members, but they are losing more, and the ones going are the ones vital to the training of the recruits – it can’t go on this way.”
Mr Walsh says the walk off will be held at 2pm Tuesday and he is urging the public to voice its support of the people they turn to whenever they are in trouble or need help.
He says if you cannot attend Echuca Police Station at 2pm to support, just tooting your horn as your drive past, or winding down your window and giving them a cheer will let them know you are on their side.”
“And send a message to the Premier at and tell her to support your police,” Mr Walsh added.
The Nationals Member for Murray Plains, Peter Walsh, with from left: Sergeant Adrian Stewart, Acting Sergeant Shelley Parker, Leading Senior Constable Barry McLeod and Leading Senior Constable Shane Roberts, who are some of the officers staging a walk off tomorrow out of frustration at protracted award negotiations.