30 October 2015
Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh is encouraging sports clubs and community groups to take advantage of the Community Shade Grants Program which is now open.
The program provides grants of up to $50 000 to construct a new shade purchase a portable shade plant a natural shade repair an existing shade or any combination of the three Mr Walsh said.
A portion of the grant may also be used to purchase hats and sunscreen.
“Outdoor sport and active recreation have such an important role to play in the everyday lives of Victorians and we know now that adequate shade and sun protection is crucial to offering a safe and enjoyable environment for participants.
“I am positive that all eligible community organisations in the Murray Plains electorate could put additional shade structures to good use and I encourage all to look into this program as a way of achieving that “ Mr Walsh said.
Applications for the first round of the Community Shade Grants Program closed on Sunday 13 December 2015.
To apply visit http://health.vic.gov.au/community-shade-grants/