Wednesday 4 May 2016
The Andrews Labor Government has been forced to admit on the floor of Parliament this week that Ararat’s Freight and Logistics Feasibility Study is still not underway.
“This is a very embarrassing admission for Regional Development Minister Jaala Pulford and the Andrews Labor Government “ Leader of The Nationals Peter Walsh said.
“Daniel Andrews promised this study back in October 2014 and said it was “˜about time’ for Ararat but 18 months later the people of Ararat are still waiting for it to start.
“Shadow Minister for Regional Development Damian Drum questioned Jaala Pulford about the progress of this study but her answers were embarrassing for the government and disappointing for the people of Ararat.”
Initially the Minister couldn’t answer the questions but she returned to her feet in the Legislative Council a short while later to confirm the Project Control Board was only appointed in April.
“The Minister failed to explain the extraordinary delay between the study’s funding being allocated more than 12 months ago and the appointment of the project board in April “ Mr Walsh said.
“Daniel Andrews promised this study could help deliver more jobs Ararat families but we will never realise this potential unless the Andrews Government gets on with the job.”