Monday 13th February 2017
While Daniel Andrews continues to wage war with our volunteer firefighters the Liberal Nationals last week introduced legislation to protect them.
Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh said that the Liberal Nationals members in the Upper House of the Victorian Parliament moved an amendment to the Country Fire Authority Act 1958.
“The amendment aims to safeguard the rights of volunteers by countering clauses in the proposed workplace agreement between the State Government and CFA that would hand control of the CFA to the United Firefighters’ Union ” Mr Walsh said
The bill will amend the Country Fire Authority Act 1958 to:
- Recognise the CFA as a volunteer-based organisation;
- Recognise the authority’s requirement to have regard to the Volunteer Charter and the principles and commitment contained therein;
- Restrict the authority entering any deed agreement or arrangement that may adversely affect volunteers and or avoid the application of any Commonwealth or Victorian law.
“In government the Liberal Nationals were proud to sign the Volunteer Charter which recognized that the CFA exists because of its volunteers ” Mr Walsh said.
“Daniel Andrews was elected on the back of his union mates and his payback has been to systematically weaken the rights the dignity and the respect of the 57 000 proud CFA volunteers who risk their lives for their communities.
“The pressure will now be on the Labor government members when the bill is sent back to the Lower House for debate.
“Will Daniel Andrews support the amendment or will he continue to treat the CFA volunteers with contempt?” Mr Walsh said.