Monday 13 February 2017
Dear Editor
On January 20 a senseless act stunned Victorians and rattled our communities to their core.
The events in the Bourke Street Mall were a horrific act that still today I and many people in the community struggle to understand.
Last week in Parliament I offered my heartfelt condolences and sympathy to victims and their families as they face the effects of a tragedy that will live with them for the rest of their lives.
In the weeks following many people in our regional communities have come to me to express their distress at the law and order issues we are facing in our state.
They are concerned by the seeming powerlessness of our police to deal with violent crime and the limits of resourcing in our regional areas.
They want urgent reform to bail laws to make sure violent offenders aren’t released back onto our streets.
They want to see changes that allow our police to do what needs to be done to protect our communities and fix a system they believe is failing Victorians.
One of the most important responsibilities of any government is to keep their citizens safe.
The Andrews Government has spoken about reform but our community does not want to see another review or more incremental change.
Enough is enough it is time for Daniel Andrews to take action.
Peter Walsh
Leader of The Nationals
Member for Murray Plains