The Liberal Nationals are calling on the Andrews Government to allow people living in communities with no active COVID-19 cases to be allowed to return to work.
This week in Parliament, the Leader of the Nationals, Peter Walsh, asked the Premier why were people living in regional Victoria being prevented from going back to work, especially those who lived in areas of Victoria where there are no active cases of COVID-19.
When the Premier formalised the requirement for Victorians to work from home if they could last week, he stated that a crowded public transport system would pose an unacceptable risk to public health. He also said that if people then drove to work, the roads network would grind to a halt.
This does not apply to most people who live and work in regional Victoria, as they rely on their private vehicles to travel to and from their workplaces. Many also do not work in office environments.
Considering the efforts that regional Victorians have made to successfully stop the spread of COVID-19, it is time to enable them to get back to work by lifting restrictions on their ability to get to work.
Comments attributable to the Leader of The Nationals, Peter Walsh:
“Winding back of COVID-19 restrictions in Victoria must be common sense.
“Allowing country people to get back to the workplace with appropriate physical distancing is a sensible move that will secure jobs and businesses in regional Victoria.”
Comments attributable to Shadow Treasurer, Louise Staley:
“Once again, Daniel Andrews is showing that he thinks what is good enough for Melbourne is good enough for regional Victoria.
“Rather than impose a “one-size-fits-all” approach, the Premier should start opening up our regional economies by lifting these restrictions and letting those who live outside Melbourne to get back working again.”