Tuesday 20 June 2017
Dear Editor
The Andrews Labor Government’s lack of interest in the wild dog control program looks to have extended to the resoundingly successful Fox Bounty.
Foxes and wild dogs are a massive blight on Victoria’s landscape wreaking havoc on livestock and our native fauna alike yet Labor is turning a blind eye and failing to listen.
The Premier for Melbourne just doesn’t get it: the only good fox is a dead fox and the only thing better is a dead wild dog.
Labor left high country landholders in limbo for two years after axing the Wild Dog Bounty and sacking the Wild Dog Advisory Committee.
While Minister Pulford has given in to pressure from farmers and finally replaced the committee it’s disappointing that there are less landholder representatives there are no women and one of the members has previously criticised wild dog control measures and reportedly described farmers as “extremists”.
Peter Walsh
Shadow Minister for Agriculture
Member for Murray Plains