Dan’s wasteful desal water order

Thursday 17 November 2016 Melbourne’s dams now hold more water than they did at the same time last year. Melbourne’s water storages are at 72.5 per cent – 1313.8 billion litres. It means there is an extra 2.1 billion litres of water available for use than at this time last year. Storages are still filling…

Population Policy Taskforce Launched – Walsh

Wednesday 16 November 2016 Managing Victoria’s population growth is the biggest challenge facing Victoria today according to The Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh. Mr Walsh in conjunction with Leader of The Liberals Matthew Guy yesterday launched the Victorian Population Policy Taskforce which highlights the need to regionalize Victoria’s growth…

Labor fails to deliver sustainable hunting plan

Thursday 10 November 2016 Agriculture Minister Jaala Pulford today failed to explain why the State Government’s long-promised plan for hunting in Victoria is not being released. In question time today The Nationals’ new Member for Northern Victoria Luke O’Sullivan asked Minister Pulford to explain the five month delay in the release of the Sustainable Hunting…

Woolies must keep promise to the Goulburn Valley

Tuesday 8 November 2016 Woolworths said in 2014 they would stand with SPC Ardmona suppliers “for the long-term” yet today there are reports they might break that promise just two years in. We were reassured at the time that the supermarket giant would “bring certainty” and “confidence” to farmers but now they appear to be…