Failures in flood warning system hurts regional communities

The parliamentary inquiry into last year’s flood event has uncovered significant shortcomings in Victoria’s Emergency Management warning system under the Labor Government.   Evidence provided to the hearings this week highlighted how poorly informed and exposed regional communities were during emergency flood events.   The Environment and Planning Committee, which grilled key figures in the…


Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor,   So much for a traditional honeymoon period for new Premier Jacinta Allan.   Truth is, the honeymoon never started. Only two weeks into her term, she is grappling with the ongoing nightmare that is the Commonwealth Games debacle.   Allan refused to front an inquiry into the Games cancellation, even though she…


Statement from the Leader of The Victorian National

The track record of our new Premier Jacinta Allan shows Victorians should brace themselves for more of the same.   I am deeply concerned it will be business as usual. More money wasted. More debt. More mismanagement. More secrecy. More poor governance.   Victorians talk about Daniel Andrews handing Jacinta Allan a poisoned chalice. The…


Regional Victoria ripped off as numbers don’t add up

Shadow Minister for Regional Development, Peter Walsh, has declared he is finally lost for words at the number of ways Premier Daniel Andrews can “rip off regional Victoria”.   Mr Walsh said the tax on short-stay accommodation such as Airbnb or Stayz is the broke Andrews Labor government’s latest desperate cash grab.   Almost half…


Statement from Shadow Minister for Aboriginal Affairs

The Liberals and Nationals strongly condemn the circulation of a fake letter, purporting to be written by a member of the First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria.   In recent days, some land owners in the state’s north-west have received the letter, which contains damaging mistruths on land re-acquisition.   Anyone seeking clarification is encouraged to…


Report reveals issues in need of holistic solution

The Yoorook Report Into Victoria’s Child Protection and Criminal Justice Systems released today highlights the sad fact that Victoria is the worst performing state when it comes to closing the gap in Aboriginal affairs.   It articulates some atrocities from long ago, but more concerningly it demonstrates that across the past 25 years, the system…



Dear editor, Hard-working families continue to be hit hard by rising energy prices as life gets harder under Labor. A new Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) report confirms Victoria’s energy system is the worst in the nation, suffering serious deterioration in the past six months. Alarmingly, AEMO has warned Victorians can expect blackouts, based on…


Ratepayers punished for Labor’s incompetence

The Andrews Government continues to pile on the cost-of-living pain as annual council rates skyrocket. Victorians need an urgent solution as rate payers and hardworking families are being unfairly asked to foot the bill for Local Government funding inequities. The Andrews Government needs to provide Local Government with more funding to maintain service delivery and…
