Horticulture sector crippled by Andrews Govt incompetence

Reports the Andrews Labor Government has refused to let seasonal workers quarantine in Victoria shows it still can’t get the basics right. Victoria’s horticulture sector is desperately seeking thousands of workers to get fruit off the trees, but have reportedly been told by the Andrews Labor Government that they will have to send workers to…


‘Ms Berejiklian, tear down those walls’ says Walsh

Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh said the time had well and truly come for the NSW borders with Victoria to be opened. Mr Walsh said with regional Victoria COVID free for the past fortnight and with hardly any cases in recent months; the border closures had served their purpose. He said with Melbourne’s restrictions…


Regions still in lockdown despite no new cases

The Andrew Labor Government has refused to explain why communities and businesses in country Victoria can’t move to the Last Step, despite there being zero new cases in the regions for 14 days. Health Minister Martin Foley was asked in State Parliament to provide the health advice on country restrictions including mandated mask wearing, even…


Andrews Government no closer to a solution on seasonal worker crisis

Agriculture Minister Jaclyn Symes confirmed today the Andrews Labor Government has failed to make progress to fix the seasonal worker shortage facing Victoria’s horticulture sector. Industry has spent months desperately seeking ways to secure more workers after the coronavirus pandemic shut Australia’s borders and resulted in a mass exodus of working holiday makers. Ms Symes…


No oversight or accountability on Basin Rail despite the problems

The Andrews Labor Government can’t say what failures led to the waste of hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars on the now stalled and unfinished Murray Basin Rail Project. Last week’s long overdue release of the revised business case revealed Transport Infrastructure Minister Jacinta Allan never intended to complete the project, instead favouring a $244…


Murray Basin Rail transformation in tatters under Labor

Today’s release of the revised business case for the Murray Basin Rail Project confirms the Andrews Labor Government never intended to complete the transformation of Victoria’s freight rail network. Instead of completing the once-in-a-generation project, Transport Infrastructure Minister Jacinta Allan has opted to leave the project barely half finished, only funding the patch up of…


Virus escapes Melbourne without a trace

Labor Health Minister Martin Foley can’t explain why asymptomatic testing wasn’t offered to customers who were potentially exposed to a Melbourne virus outbreak that’s now spread to regional Victoria. Mr Foley was asked in State Parliament today if he agreed with CHO Brett Sutton that asymptomatic testing for customers of Chadstone’s Butcher Club wasn’t “value…
