Parliament report exposes Labor’s savage regional rip-off

A new report by Victoria’s Parliamentary Budget Office (PBO) has exposed the Andrews Labor Government’s severe under-investment in regional Victoria. The report, Asset investment excluding Australian Government funding, reveals the extreme neglect of regional Victoria under a city-centric Labor Government that’s investing 114 per cent per person in metropolitan Melbourne when compared to regional counterparts.…


Confirmed: No change for Victorian Nationals on climate change

The Victorian Nationals continue to stand with regional Victorians who are committed to action on climate change. Leader of The Nationals Peter Walsh today reaffirmed the Party’s position supporting the target of achieving net zero emissions by 2050. Mr Walsh said regional Victorians rightly expect their representatives to drive a policy agenda that actively tackles…


Confirmed: No change for Victorian Nationals on climate change

The Victorian Nationals continue to stand with regional Victorians who are committed to action on climate change. Leader of The Nationals Peter Walsh today reaffirmed the Party’s position supporting the target of achieving net zero emissions by 2050. Mr Walsh said regional Victorians rightly expect their representatives to drive a policy agenda that actively tackles…


“Less funding allocated”: Minister confirms more cuts to regional development

The Andrews Labor Government’s admitted there’s “less funding allocated” to regional development in this year’s State Budget despite many country businesses saying they’re still struggling to recover from the pandemic. The 2022-23 State Budget confirmed Labor will strip more funding from regional development which take the total cuts to $363 million since 2020-21 (from $539.2…


Minister flags more savage “savings’” on the horizon for agriculture

Victorian farmers face less service delivery after the Agriculture Minister refused to guarantee today the Labor Government won’t make more job cuts at Agriculture Victoria. Agriculture Minister Mary-Anne Thomas raised red flags this morning at Parliament’s Public Accounts and Estimates Committee (PAEC) by confirming the government was still on the warpath for “savings” with staffing…
