Wednesday 13th December 2016
An elected Liberals Nationals government will lead the re-vitalisation of the Neighbourhood Watch program according to Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh.
Mr Walsh said an elected Liberal Nationals government will partner with Neighbourhood Watch and provide $2m over four years to fund locally based crime prevention initiatives and central head office co-ordination.
“The Liberal Nationals place significant value on this very important community safety initiative which has traditionally been carried out by Neighbourhood Watch volunteers ” Mr Walsh said.
“We are right behind them and we will back their efforts all the way.”
Mr Walsh said the soft on crime approach of the city centric Labor Government is an unmitigated disaster for rural communities.
“Daniel Andrews cuts to police resources and his willingness to allow Neighbourhood Watch to waste away has left communities which were once peaceful and proud now living in fear.
Mr Walsh said the amount of crime currently occurring in rural electorates is totally unacceptable and Neighbourhood Watch meetings motivated by a strong police presence would be an important first step in curbing the crime.