The Andrews Government has announced a drastically reduced 2020 duck hunting season today.
Opening weekend will be on May 2, with a bag limit of three ducks per day and a modified length of five weeks.
A full season runs for nearly 12 weeks from mid-March to mid-June with a bag limit of 10 ducks per day.
Field and Game recommended a modified season of nine weeks with a six bird bag limit, based on expert advice on seasonal conditions and current duck populations.
Comment attributable to Shadow Minister for Agriculture Peter Walsh
Green ideology has trumped logic with a severely shortened season that will take money out of country communities at a time when we desperately need the tourism boost.
Hunting injects more than $430 million into the state’s economy every year, providing a healthy boost for country communities – including those picking up the pieces after this summer’s catastrophic bushfires.
Our responsible, legitimate hunters travel long distances to stay and spend in some of our smallest communities, but Labor’s made sure there’s little incentive by slashing the daily bag limit.
Agriculture Minister Jaclyn Symes clearly lost the internal political standoff with the Environment Minister that’s delayed this announcement for weeks.
The Liberal Nationals strongly support Victoria’s responsible, legitimate recreational hunting community.
Labor will always put politics before people.