Monday 3 December 2018
The Nationals’ Party Room met today and elected Peter Walsh as Leader and Steph Ryan as Deputy Leader of the Victorian Parliamentary Party.
Both were elected by the Party Room uncontested for their respective positions.
Mr Walsh said The Nationals will continue to work with our communities to give them a strong voice in the Parliament and put regional issues onto the government’s agenda.
“I’m very grateful for the endorsement from my colleagues and am looking forward to getting back to work for Victoria’s rural and regional communities” Mr Walsh said.
“Congratulations to Steph re-elected today as Deputy Leader.
“Steph’s dedication and hard work over the past four years both as a first term MP and as Deputy Leader is reflected in the increased support from her community and the ongoing support from her parliamentary colleagues.
“With Daniel Andrews’ Labor Government now even more dominated by city-based MPs The Nationals will be working even harder to make sure the interests of country Victorians who have put their faith in us to represent them are heard in the State Parliament.”
Ms Ryan said she was looking forward to getting on with the job of delivering a better deal for people living in country Victoria.
“We will fight every day for our communities to ensure that country people get the services infrastructure and investment we need and deserve” Ms Ryan said.
“Peter is a relentless champion for regional communities across Victoria and I’m honoured to once again be part of the leadership team with him.
“The Nationals will continue to be a united and dedicated voice for rural and regional Victoria in the State Parliament fighting for a better deal for country communities including on education health rail roads and jobs.”