Thursday 31st May 2018
The Victorian Shadow Minister for Education Tim Smith will visit the Echuca Specialist School to ramp up the fight for funding to support the staff students and families of the school.
Mr Walsh met today with School Council President Scott Morrison and a delegation of parents to discuss the way forward following the decision by the Victorian Labor Government to overlook the desperately needed investment in Echuca Specialist School.
Mr Walsh told the delegation that he had invited the Shadow Minister for Education to Echuca to have a first-hand look at the deplorable conditions that exist at the school.
“I am very pleased that the Shadow Minister has made time available for the visit” Mr Walsh said.
“He is acutely aware of the issues affecting Echuca Specialist School and he has given me strong support in the many times I have raised these issues in Parliament.
“The community has united in protest and the Shadow Minister and I stand firmly with them.
“I still hold out hope that the Labor Government will realise that the decision they made was wrong.
“They have made a grave error in judgement and they should reverse their decision and immediately provide the funding required to complete the vision for a shared experience of students from Echuca Specialist Echuca South and Echuca West primary schools.
“We must continue this fight.
“It is absolutely appalling that children with the greatest need are treated with the least respect.”