9 February 2015
Fifteen sporting clubs in the Murray Plains electorate have shared in funding from round one of
VicHealth’s Active Club Grants program.
Nationals Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh said the grants of up to $3 000 aim to overcome
barriers to participation in physical activity.
“Often local sport and active recreation organisations which have identified a need within their
community for a new team or activity find it difficult to acquire funding for the essential equipment
or training required to allow the group to start the activity “ he said.
VicHealth Active Clubs grants provided in Murray Plains :
1st Nyah Nyah-West Cub Scouts
Cohuna United Cricket Club
Echuca Racing Club Inc
Inland Outrigger Canoe Club
Kyabram Bowls Club
Kyabram Fire Brigade Cricket Club
Kyabram Junior football Group Incorporated
Lake Boga Sports Club
Lancaster Football & Netball Club Inc
Murrabit Football Club
Rochester and Echuca Football Umpires Association
Rochester Lawn Tennis Club
Rochester Bowls Club
St Augustine’s Kyabram Junior Football Club Inc
Swan Hill Little Athletics
“VicHealth assists many organisations across Victoria and is recognised internationally for the work it
does in the areas of promoting physical and healthy lifestyles.
“I congratulate the successful clubs in the Murray Plains electorate on their applications for funding
and I encourage all sporting organisations to watch the VicHealth website www.vichealth.vic.gov.au for
further funding opportunities “ Mr Walsh said.