18 December 2015
Two primary schools students from Lockington Consolidated Primary School have designed the Christmas card for Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains MP Peter Walsh.
Mr Walsh said that each Christmas season he invites two local primary schools to be involved in the “Design my Christmas Card”competition.
“All students are encouraged to participate with two winners being selected from the school one from the junior section of the school (Prep to Grade 3) and the other from the senior section (Grades 4 – 6).
“We had some very talented junior artists in Lockington and this year’s entries have been very creative “ Mr Walsh said.
The senior winner for 2015 was Milly Haines from Grade 5A and the junior winner was Mitchell Scurrah from Grade 2.
“The winning designs have been printed on the front of the Christmas cards I send out to colleagues and friends this year and the creative skills of the winning students have been acknowledged by having their name included on each card “ Mr Walsh said.
“I was also very pleased to attend the Lockington Consolidated Primary School to meet the students and present Milly and Mitchell with their prize of a packet of 36 Derwent colour pencils.
“Each child deserves to feel the magic of christmas and this is a small way in which I can contribute “ Mr Walsh said.