Thursday 9th March 2017
“There is a very good saying that a fish rots from the head down and sadly that is what we have in place now under Daniel Andrews “ said Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh.
Mr Walsh said this week’s Parliamentary sitting showed the Andrews Labor Government is in complete disarray following the mounting rorting scandals dogging its MPs.
Question Time erupted into chaos multiple times while the Liberals and Nationals made it clear they would stand up on behalf of all Victorians to Daniel Andrews and his Labor MPs who have been rorting the system.
“First we had allegations of Labor using taxpayer-funded entitlements to staff their 2014 election campaign.
“Now the Premier is in the High Court of Australia trying to stop the Ombudsman investigation into this allegation “ Mr Walsh said.
“Then we had the former Corrections Minister Steve Herbert using his parliamentary car and chauffer to ferry his two pooches Ted and Patch around the state.
“And now we have the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker allegedly rorting their parliamentary allowances by abusing the second home allowance which is provided to country MPs who have to stay in Melbourne for parliamentary duties.”
“Daniel Andrews needs to restore decency and honesty to his government and insist that the Member for Melton Don Nardella repay the more than $100 000 he has allegedly rorted and resign from the Parliament “ Mr Walsh said.