Despite devastating bushfires this summer, Daniel Andrews is refusing to release critical information about where dangerous bushfire fuel loads exist across Victoria.
With months of potentially dangerous bushfire season still ahead, communities have the right to know about the fuel loads surrounding them and the bushfire risks they face.
Past practice has been to release fuel load maps. In light of the current dangerous fire season, it is inexplicable that Daniel Andrews is placing communities at risk by refusing to release this important information.
The Upper House of the State Parliament last year required that the Andrews Labor Government release Victoria’s fuel load maps by 11 December 2019. Yet Daniel Andrews has refused to comply with this order.
The Liberal Nationals call on the Andrews Labor Government to publicly release current fuel load maps without further delay and to commit to the annual release of fuel load maps ahead of every fire season.
Victorians deserve to know about the fuel loads present in their communities, and the hazards they present.
Comments attributable to Leader of the Opposition, Michael O’Brien:
“Victorian communities deserve to know exactly what bushfire risk they might be facing in the upcoming months.
“It is inexplicable that Daniel Andrews is still refusing to release Victoria’s bushfire fuel load maps after the devastation so many communities have already had to endure.
“You have to ask the question – who benefits from keeping these fuel load maps secret?”
Comments attributable to Leader of The Nationals, Peter Walsh:
“Bushfire fuel maps have been routinely released in the past. It is simply not good enough for Daniel Andrews to refuse to release them again this fire season.
“With months still to go in the current fire season communities across the state must have access to all the information they need to help prepare for the threat of bushfire.”