Wednesday 26 April 2017
The Andrews Government must immediately rule out harvesting bans that would destroy Victoria’s timber industry.
Reports in The Weekly Times today indicate the Environment Minister is “˜considering’ a call from Friends of Leadbeater’s Possum that would prevent Victoria’s timber industry accessing regrowth timber.
It was revealed last week that talks between the Victorian Government and the owners of the Heyfield mill have stalled.
Comments attributable to Shadow Minister for Agriculture Peter Walsh
The Andrews Labor Government must immediately reject this call for radical logging bans that would destroy our state’s timber industry.
Labor must conduct a comprehensive review of Leadbeater’s possum populations in state reserves and national parks so we can get a full picture that isn’t only limited to the possum’s abundance in timber coupes.
There are 21 000 workers that rely on this industry for their jobs but they are under attack from a Labor Government more concerned with protecting greens preferences than local jobs.
Comments attributable to Member for Gippsland East Tim Bull
The Premier continues to insult the Heyfield community with token claims the Government is prioritising local jobs while refusing to actually visit our town.
Daniel Andrews has made multiple trips to the Latrobe Valley recently but has failed every time to travel the extra 25 minutes to Heyfield.
It’s clear the only job Daniel Andrews is fighting for is his own.