Comments attributable to Leader of the Opposition, Michael O’Brien:
“Daniel Andrews’ testimony to the Hotel Quarantine Inquiry today proves Victorians can have no confidence in this arrogant, lying Premier. Andrews and his ‘gang of eight’ have no choice but to resign.
“Victorians have a Premier who will not tell the truth.
“Victorians deserve better than lies and cover-ups from a Premier whose second wave of COVID-19 has killed over 750 people and cost thousands of jobs.
“This has been the most disastrous failure of public administration in Victoria’s history.
“Our communities and state economy have been crippled by the second wave.
“Daniel Andrews’ disastrous mismanagement of hotel quarantine has ripped the soul out of small businesses and communities.
“Hundreds of deaths. Thousands of businesses closed. Hundreds of thousands of jobs lost. Millions of Victorians locked down.
“Andrews has failed his most fundamental duty to the people of this state. He must go.”
Comments attributable to Leader of The Nationals, Peter Walsh:
“The Premier has delivered an absolute insult to all those who are now grieving loved ones as a direct result of this Labor Government’s failures.
“Daniel Andrews’ disastrous mismanagement of hotel quarantine led to the avoidable deaths of more than 750 Victorians and has ripped the soul out of small businesses and communities.
“Daniel Andrews today proved he is unworthy of office. Andrews and his ‘gang of eight’ have no choice but to resign.
“The Andrews Labor Government spent tens of millions of taxpayer dollars botching its hotel quarantine program that caused our crippling second wave of COVID-19 – yet not one Minister, department official or the Premier himself can say who was responsible for managing it.
“While other states have successfully got the virus under control, Victoria remains the nation’s pariah state because of the bad decisions made by the Andrews Labor Government.
“This farcical, botched handling of its shambolic hotel quarantine program is just one of many reasons Victorians have lost confidence in Daniel Andrews and his Labor Government.
“Victorians deserved the truth today, but instead we got more lies and more cover-ups from arrogant Andrews.”