Wednesday 17 April 2019
The Andrews Labor Government’s sham review into rates won’t address the number one issue faced by farmers: the unfair rates cap.
Shadow Minister for Agriculture Peter Walsh has slammed the terms of reference which were finally released by the Andrews Government today after lengthy delay.
“Labor’s so-called Fair Go rates cap caused farm rates in some shires to skyrocket by nearly 30 per cent last year ” Mr Walsh said.
“Farmers waited months for the Government to get cracking with this review and now we learn Daniel Andrews is excluding his failed rates cap from the scope of the inquiry.
“It’s also frustrating the review’s scope excludes looking at the adequacy of the valuation system and that it will ignore other sources of local government funding like State and Commonwealth grants.
“Labor has set up a sham review that simply will not deliver the systematic overhaul Victorians deserve so that rates are fair for everyone.
“Daniel Andrews has also ignored calls for an interim rates cap to be applied to all rating categories while the review is conducted.
“Farmers who got hit with huge increases last year are rightly very nervous about the next rates assessments which will be hitting mail boxes soon.
“While Daniel Andrews dithers our farmers are being rated out of existence at a time when many are already under pressure from drought high water prices and skyrocketing energy bills – there’s nothing fair about that.”