Thursday 1st December 2016
Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh said the Andrews Labor Government’s new laws to ban display of discounted fuel prices fails to address the major concern for local motorists – high fuel prices.
A ban on fuel retailers displaying discounted prices came into effect this week.
“The bans may help avoid confusion at the bowser for consumers but the reality is the actual price of fuel itself is still the biggest issue ” Mr Walsh said.
Mr Walsh said country families are hit hardest by consistently high fuel prices.
“The tyranny of distance and the lack of public transport options means a large part of the family budget goes into keeping the car running.
“This new regulation doesn’t deal with petrol prices or price discrepancies but I will continue pushing for relief through the fuel price inquiry successfully established by the Liberal-Nationals
“Under the Liberal-Nationals inquiry fuel prices in regional Victoria and discrepancies between towns will be analysed as well as the impact of pricing on regional families businesses and communities ” Mr Walsh said.
The inquiry will look into pricing of unleaded diesel and LPG fuels and:
- Examine the methodology behind pricing particularly the divide between metropolitan and regional communities
- Consider approaches and initiatives elsewhere in Australia with a view to reducing fuel prices
- Look at fuel price comparison technology
- Investigate the impact of pricing on families businesses and industry
- Assess the influence of regulations and legislation on fuel pricing
The Inquiry will commence early next year with a final report due no later than 1 October 2017.