Friday 15th December 2017
As we prepare to celebrate Christmas and the arrival of 2018 I wish everyone in the Murray Plains Electorate a very Merry Christmas
The Christmas holiday season brings the community together to give thanks for our blessings and to share our hope for a bright and prosperous future.
It is a special time to appreciate the values that unite us and the freedoms we enjoy.
It is also a time to cherish the opportunity to relax with family and friends reflecting on the year that has been and looking forward to the year ahead.
It is my privilege to represent the people of Murray Plains and to work with you to help make regional and rural Victoria a great place to live.
As I travel across the electorate I am always impressed by the strong community spirit and the generosity of heart in country people.
I wish everyone across the Murray Plains electorate a very happy holiday.
Merry Christmas
Peter Walsh MP
Leader of The Nationals
Member for Murray Plains