Friday May 10th 2019
The Andrews Labor Government has arrogantly ignored the plight of Random House to a point where we are almost out of time Leader of Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh said today.
Mr Walsh branded the Labor government’s failure to make a decision to either sell the property or restore it as “a complete insult and injustice” to the Rochester community.
“I first raised this issue with the relevant Minister on 16th August 2016.
“Since that time I have consistently pushed prodded and pressured the government to act but they have sat on their hands and done absolutely nothing they have not even taken a step to protect Random House while they continue to procrastinate.
“Daniel Andrews and his revolving door of Ministers have the power to act but they don’t have the will – or they don’t care!
Mr Walsh said he had recent reports of the homestead being ransacked once again.
“Doors have been kicked in windows smashed the old safe cut open and all the historical documents burnt.
“If Random House catches on fire it’s game over!” he said.
“I raised the matter again in parliament last week challenging the relevant Minister to inform the Rochester community of his decision.
“Is Random House to be sold or is government going to restore the homestead to the condition it was in when they took ownership?
“There is only one thing that is certain – Random House is going to be lost to the Rochester community forever unless urgent action is taken by the Andrews Labor Government .”