7th March 2017
Mr WALSH (Murray Plains) – I have great pleasure to move:
That the member for Mildura be appointed Deputy Speaker of this house.
Honourable members interjecting.
The SPEAKER – Order! Members on my right! We need to proceed with this election on the basis of silence respect to members and courtesy extended to all members of this place.
Mr WALSH – As I said I have great pleasure in nominating the member for Mildura for the position of Deputy Speaker. The member for Mildura has a long history of service not only to his electorate but also to the house. He has spent a significant amount of time as Acting Speaker at various times and as a member on committees so he has a very good understanding of the workings of this house. As I said in the previous debate about the election for your position Speaker we need people who will restore decency and respect to this chamber and I believe the member for Mildura will do that. When you speak about his service to his electorate of Mildura you only have to go to back to the work that he did before he became a member of Parliament in leading the fight against the toxic waste dump that those opposite wanted to force on the community of Nowingi. The only thing they could do for Mildura when they were in government previously was put a toxic waste dump there. It is my great pleasure to nominate the member for Mildura for the position. I think he will do a very very good job in restoring decency and honesty to the position of Deputy Speaker.