Melbourne Explodes While Regions Stand Still Under Labor

Monday 3rd April 2017 Melbourne’s population is growing out of control under Daniel Andrews while regional and rural communities are denied the funding and resources they need to grow. The most recent population figures released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) show that in 2016 Victoria grew by 2.1 per cent – or 123…


Victoria Facing An Energy Crisis Under Labor

Tuesday 28th March 2017 Under Daniel Andrews the Hazelwood Power Station is shutting down and electricity bills are powering up according to Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh. Mr Walsh said that the Andrews Labor Government has tripled the tax on coal and introduced a state-based Renewable Energy Target of…


Echuca Fire Station Opening

As a show of commitment to country Victoria The Liberal Nationals Coalition in government delivered 250 CFA stations across the State as part of a $125 million investment. The completion of the new $1.8m Echuca Fire Station in High Street South is testament to that investment. The Echuca Fire Brigade has always been an important part…


Regional Ministerial Taskforce

Dear Editor As Daniel Andrews and his city-centric Labor Government focus effort and funding on Melbourne it was refreshing to hear the Federal Government announce a new Regional Ministerial Taskforce. With Victorian Nationals Minister Darren Chester alongside Deputy PM Barnaby Joyce there’s no doubt that our communities will benefit. The taskforce will look at initiatives…


Labor must extend funds for eID

Friday 24 March 2017   Background The Andrews Government must offer further financial assistance to Victorian producers to implement Labor’s rushed and poorly-funded mandatory electronic identification (eID) scheme. Agriculture Minister Jaala Pulford announced late last year that Labor would go-it-alone on mandatory eID offering just one month’s consultation and subsidies for the first year only.…


Bills Introduced to Victorian Parliament March 21-23 2017

Bills introduced to Victorian Parliament March 21-23 2017 This week five Bills were introduced to the Victorian Parliament which may be of interest to Murray Plains residents. The Bills are as follows: Land Legislation Amendment Bill 2017 Mineral Resources (Sustainable Development) Amendment (Latrobe Valley Mine Rehabilitation Commissioner) Bill 2017 Worksafe Legislation Amendment Bill 2017 Crimes…


Andrews refuses to stand up for Heyfield mill workers

Tuesday 21 March 2017   Heyfield mill workers contractors and the community sent a clear message to the Premier today: don’t drop the axe on our jobs and our community. Hundreds of timber workers and community members rallied at State Parliament on the same day Daniel Andrews and Ministers Jaala Pulford and Gavin Jennings again…


Closure of Quambatook School

Monday 20th March 2017 Comment from Peter Walsh MP Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh visited Quambatook recently in response to the closure of the Quambatook Group School. “I had received correspondence from passionate local advocate Chelle Espagne and it was good to call in personally and talk with her…


Peter Walsh Hornets Show Some Sting

Monday 20th March 2017   Future Sportstars of the Year displayed their skills at Kyabram Sports and Entertainment Centre last week for the first round of Basketball Kyabram’s junior final series. The teams have all received generous sponsorship from the business community and the local MP also chipped in to get the competition up and…


Labor must immediately review exclusion zones

Monday 20 March 2017   The Andrews Labor Government must immediately review the 200 metre exclusion zones which are impacting available timber for harvest in Victoria’s working forests. These zones were adopted on recommendation from the Leadbeater’s Possum Advisory Group with the intention to review once 200 colonies were identified. To date 569 colonies have…


Heyfield mill

Friday 17 March 2017   The Andrews Government has disgracefully abandoned 260 workers at Australian Sustainable Hardwoods’ Heyfield mill by failing to guarantee a viable timber supply. Labor’s half-baked offer to purchase the mill at the 11th hour again confirms Daniel Andrews has no problem playing political games with Victorian jobs. Instead Daniel Andrews has…
