Grants to keep young people out of aged care

26 March 2015 Young people with high needs who are living at home and at risk of entering aged care are now able to apply for funding assistance Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh said today. Mr Walsh said the 2015 round of Youngcare’s At Home Care Gants (AHCG) was now open for applications from…


Local MP Getting to Know Cohuna

23 March 2015 The Nationals Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh enjoyed a great day in Cohuna on Friday playing golf and enjoying the Annual Show. Mr Walsh spent the afternoon playing golf with a tremendous team of local golfers in the annual charity 4 ball organised by local policeman Andy Rigg. “While I’m the…


Walsh Calls for More Frequent Passenger Rail Services

20 March 2015 The Nationals member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh has called on the Andrews Labor Government to improve passenger rail services for people who live in the seat of Murray Plains. In State Parliament this week Mr Walsh called on Premier Andrews to fulfil his commitment to govern for all Victoria and fund…


Taking the Scissors to Hairdresser Red Tape

20 March 2015   The Victorian hairdressing industry will save up to $240 000 a year under proposals to cut registration red tape the Nationals Member for Murray Plains said today. The Public Health & Wellbeing (Hairdressing Red Tape Reduction) Bill introduced in State Parliament last week means that hairdressers and make-up businesses will only…


Danny O’Brien

March 19 2015 Today I formally welcome The Nationals’ new Member for Gippsland South Danny O’Brien who was sworn into Parliament this morning. Danny will be a dedicated local champion for the communities of Gippsland South making sure their voices are heard in the Victorian Parliament. Danny encapsulates everything that I believe an MP should…


Labor re-writes history on wild dogs

March 18 2015 Yet again the Andrews Labor Government is re-writing history to hide the fact it’s doing absolutely nothing for regional Victoria. Today in the Weekly Times Minister for Agriculture Jaala Pulford has misled the public by claiming she was delivering “what the Coalition couldn’t” through so-called “legislative changes” to allow mobile wild dog…


Grants Awarded for National Youth Week

17 March 2015 Swan Hill Rural City Council and Northern District Community Health have been awarded grants of $2 000 each to hold events and activities as part of National Youth Week 2015 Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh said today. “National Youth Week  is a celebration of young people and the important role they…


Free Information Services for Seniors

16 March 2015 Seniors Information Victoria is keen to make sure all Victorian seniors are aware of the benefits of their free information service for older Victorians their workers families and friends. The Nationals Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh said that Seniors Information provides practical information on a very wide range of issues included…


Walsh Dismay at Cage Fight Hypocrisy

The Nationals Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh  is appalled that a violent combat style competition staged in a cage has been given the go ahead by the Andrews Labor Government.  “In government the Liberal Nationals Coalition was strongly focussed on preventing all forms of violence in Victoria and that definitely included cage fighting “…


Walsh Demands Answers on the Port of Melbourne

 12 March 2015 The Andrews Labor Government continues to discriminate against country Victorians with   rents mooted to increase by up to 800 % as it prepares to sell the lease of the Port of Melbourne. The sale of the lease of the Port of Melbourne is the cornerstone funding for the Andrews Labor Government  pre-election…



12 March 2015 Rural and regional Victoria continues to be neglected by the Andrews Labor Government with increased rents at the Port of Melbourne likely to hurt farmers’ incomes. Rents at the Port of Melbourne have been flagged to increase by up to 800 per cent as Daniel Andrews prepares to fatten up the port…


First 100 days of Labor neglect

11 March 2015 In its first 100 days the Andrews Labor Government has shown its total lack of interest in rural and regional Victoria. Daniel Andrews has spent his time continually finding excuses to delay and abandon country projects. He made a promise to govern for all Victorians but has clearly forgotten that our state…
