The Nationals leader and Member for Murray Plains, Peter Walsh, says local football and netball clubs should have a crack at as much as $250,000 funding through the 2023-24 Country Football and Netball Program.
Mr Walsh says the funding can be accessed through your local council and are designed to make more sport infrastructure developments a reality, including court and oval lighting upgrades, changeroom developments and new pavilions for local clubs and communities.
He says local footy and netball play such an important part of life in Murray Plains, with many families being involved in their clubs in various capacities.
“There are many clubs in need of lighting and clubroom upgrades and this funding will give them an opportunity to complete these upgrades and attract new talents to the club,” Mr Walsh says.
“You only have to drive past any sports ground on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon and see all the cars, the people and hear the noise to know this is the heartbeat of that community,” he says.
“Priority will be given to supporting communities in areas of need which have experienced natural disasters, such as bushfires, flood and drought, or communities experiencing socio-economic disadvantage, strong population growth or significant change in circumstances (e.g. economic challenges).
“This round of funding is specifically for rural and regional areas so every club in my electorate needs to have a very serious look at applying for this money.”
Applications close on October 9 and for more information and to apply, please visit