Friday 15 February 2019
Young people in the Murray Plains electorate wishing to influence future Victorian law policies programs and services have the opportunity to do so as part of the YMCA Victoria Youth Parliament.
Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh said applications for the 2019 program were now open to interested young people aged between 16 and 25.
“The YMCA Youth Parliament Program provides an insight into Parliament and gives participants the opportunity to engage with the highest levels of government and in the parliamentary process” Mr Walsh said.
“It is a great chance for young people to put forward their own issues and to collectively work through the parliamentary process of developing solutions to those issues” he said.
Parliament of Victoria has supported the YMCA program since 1987 with youth”˜parliamentarians’ from across the state gathering in Parliament House to debate”˜Bills’ dealing with issues of interest and importance to them.
The 2019 program involves young parliamentarians attending an intensive training camp in May where they will develop teamwork public speaking and leadership skills to equip them for their parliamentary experience.
Teams of young parliamentarians will then draft debate and vote on Bills during a three-day sitting at the Victorian Parliament in July.
Mr Walsh said Youth Parliament gives young Victorians the opportunity to shape policy and develops the debating public speaking and team building skills of our future leaders.
“I encourage any young people with an interest in the order and general wellbeing of their community to apply for the program.”
For more information on how to apply visit
Applications close on Thursday 7 March 2019