19 April 2016
Sporting groups and organisations in the Murray Plains Electorate can benefit from the Community Sports Infrastructure Fund which is now open.
Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh said the fund helps provide high quality accessible community sport and recreation facilities across Victoria.
“Local councils are able to submit applications directly to Sport and Recreation Victoria and I encourage any clubs wishing to submit an application to work through their local council “ Mr Walsh said.
Funding is available under the following categories
Better Pools – Grants of up to $3million are available to provide high quality aquatic leisure facilities through new or redeveloped aquatic leisure centres
Major Facilities – Grants of up to $650 000 (where the total project cost is more than $500 000 excluding GST) are available to develop or upgrade major district and regional sport and recreation facilities.
Small Aquatic Projects – Grants of up to $200 000 are available to improve and upgrade aquatic facilities
Minor Facilities – Grants of up to $100 000 for any one project (where the total project cost is up to $1 000 000 excluding GST) are available for community sport and recreation groups working in partnership with local government to develop or upgrade community sport and recreation facilities
Cricket Facilities – Grants of up to $100 000 are available to assist local councils cricket associations and local cricket clubs to upgrade and develop cricket specific club infrastructure including new buildings grounds and training facilities.
Female Friendly Facilities – Grants of up to $100 000 are available to build new and upgrade existing outdated change facilities at sports clubs around the state that cater for female sport with a focus on promoting female and family friendly environments.
Planning – Funding is available for planning initiatives that address the future sport and recreation needs of communities through better information gathering consultation and strategic planning
Eligibility and other relevant information is available via the www.sport.vic.gov.au website.