Wednesday 10 April 2019
When Daniel Andrews claimed at a union rally in Melbourne today that workers should get ‘˜a fair go’ he clearly didn’t mean all workers.
After all Daniel Andrews’ stealth campaign to destroy Victoria’s $7.32 billion timber industry is threatening tens of thousands of jobs across East Gippsland and north east Victoria.
Vital Timber Release Plans which lay out the timber that’s available to industry are now ten months overdue but the Andrews Labor Government continues to delay.
Daniel Andrews is putting at risk the jobs of timber workers who rely on the industry to put food on the table and send the kids to school.
Contractors and timber harvesters who have invested millions in equipment are watching it sit idle in the yards because they don’t know what timber’s available to industry.
Daniel Andrews’ hypocritical claim of ‘˜a fair go’ for all clearly doesn’t apply to the 70 000 direct and in-direct jobs that his Labor Government’s city-centric policies are poised to destroy.