The Liberal Nationals will move a no-confidence motion in the Premier.
It is the first step needed to dissolve the Parliament and allow Victorians to vote the toxic Andrews Labor Government out of office.
The no-confidence motion follows a number of failures, cover-ups and lies by Daniel Andrews and his Labor Government including:
- the avoidable deaths of more than 700 Victorians due to Labor’s second wave of COVID-19,
- the botched hotel quarantine program that caused the second wave, including refusing to accept ADF support,
- lying to a Parliamentary committee claiming ADF support was never offered to Victoria for hotel quarantine when it had been,
- contact tracing failures which have prolonged Victoria’s second wave,
- the cuts made to the public health team, making them the nation’s least resourced heading into the pandemic,
- imposing an arbitrary and potentially illegal curfew without the advice of the CHO,
- causing the closure of thousands of businesses and the loss of hundreds of thousands of jobs,
- public housing lockdown and effects on multicultural communities,
- failure to properly protect frontline healthcare workers with appropriate PPE,
- mental health effects on Victorians, and particularly young Victorians,
- the handling of the Cedar Meats cluster,
- lying about virus modelling supporting the harsh restrictions imposed on Victorians,
- green-lighting the Black Lives Matter protest in Melbourne’s CBD where 10,000 protesters broke health rules without fines,
- setting virus suppression targets that world-leading scientists say are unduly onerous,
- risking Victorian and Australian sovereignty through Belt and Road,
- dragging Victoria’s major infrastructure projects over-time and over-budget with the state entering recession prior to the pandemic, and;
- disrupting the education of all Victorian students.
Victoria is now suffering death and damage not due to bad luck, but due to the bad decisions and incompetence of the Andrews Labor Government.
Andrews has lost the support of Victorians who are fed up with the lies, mistakes and cover-ups.
A no-confidence motion will require every MP in the Legislative Assembly to decide whether this Premier deserves to continue in office.
Comments attributable to the Leader of the Opposition, Michael O’Brien:
“Andrews and his Labor government created Victoria’s second wave through botched hotel quarantine and have caused deaths and the destruction of jobs, businesses and hope throughout this state.”
“With Andrews’ roadmap to nowhere, millions of Victorians know their jobs are on the line if this government keeps us locked down.
“Victoria deserves the chance for a fresh start.
“Every Labor MP will have to decide whether they will vote to protect the jobs of their communities or the job of the Premier.
“A no-confidence motion is not a decision made lightly, but increasingly frustrated Victorians are telling us loud and clear that Andrews must go.”
Comments attributable to Leader of the Nationals, Peter Walsh:
“Victorians are tough, but they’ve had enough of this toxic Premier who has lied, made too many mistakes and caused hundreds of thousands to now be out of a job.”
“Andrews’ failures are the very reason Victoria is in the second wave through his botched hotel quarantine and delays in contact tracing and Victorians are left with no confidence in him or his Labor government.”