Dear Editor,
Regional Victorians have paid a high price for Daniel Andrews’ mistakes in Melbourne.
Resilience is in the blood of country people, but this second shutdown has smashed our businesses and communities.
All because Daniel Andrews let the virus slip through the cracks of hotel quarantine.
Refusing to accept the Federal Government’s offer of ADF support and an under-resourced contact tracing program all combined into the perfect storm of a second wave regional Victorians didn’t need to have.
Despite some restrictions easing, life is still far from normal on the long road to recovery.
Gyms and dance schools still remain closed, cafes, pubs and restaurants are strictly limited to just a fraction of their capacity and our kids are months behind the rest of the nation in their education.
Victorians have lost confidence in Daniel Andrews’ ability to govern our state.
More than 43,000 people have already added their name at to call out the toxic decisions made by the Andrews Labor Government.
Join them by adding your name to take a stand against the mistakes, lies and cover-ups that are ripping the soul out of our communities in country Victoria.
Peter Walsh
Leader of The Nationals
Member for Murray Plains