12 June 2015
Ratepayers across the Swan Hill Rural City Council area can have their say on the Andrews
Labor Government’s proposed cap on rates.
Nationals Member for Murray Plains said the Liberal-Nationals Coalition had always
worked hard to lower the cost of living for families and agreed rates should be kept down.
But Mr Walsh said it was important that the cap did not impact important infrastructure or services in country Victoria such as public libraries child care and children’s crossing supervisors.
“With rates being capped Daniel Andrews needs to make sure councils have enough
funding so their communities don’t suffer with reduced services or deteriorating roads and infrastructure “ Mr Walsh said.
“So far this government has done nothing but attacked country councils’ budgets ripping
out millions of dollars in vital funding.
“The Country Bridges Program was providing each of our country councils with around $1 million a year to upgrade local roads and bridges but that’s gone.
“The $100 million Local Government Infrastructure Program was helping councils to upgrade
halls and theatres sporting grounds grand stands pools and libraries. That’s gone too.
“Daniel Andrews can’t have it both ways. He can’t cap council rates while tearing out
millions in government funding and expect country councils to continue delivering the
same services.”
Mr Walsh encouraged anyone with a view on the rate capping policy to have their say
through a parliamentary inquiry that was currently underway.
“The Liberal-Nationals Coalition want to ensure what is introduced by the Labor
Government is in the best interests of all communities. That’s why your opinion is so
important “ Mr Walsh said.
Submissions close on 10 July and more detail about how to make a submission or contribute
at a public hearing can be found at www.parliament.vic.gov.au/epc