Wednesday 10th May 2018
In the Victorian Parliament yesterday the Treasurer told the House that”In Victoria it is the best of times.
The Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh took the opportunity in Question Time today to challenge the Victorian Education Minister to explain to the staff parents and students of Echuca Specialist School how for them it is the best of times.
“Minister you have led this school community on to believe they would get funding and yet you’ve given these children nothing; how is that fair?”
“The school is in a collection of old portable classrooms in what was a car park. It has poor drainage and when it rains sewage overflows into the school grounds.”
Mr Walsh challenged the Minister to come to Echuca and face the school community.
The challenge comes as Echuca Specialist School Chairman and parents have begun to speak publicly and on social media about the building deficiencies deplorable work conditions and unacceptable student facilities at Echuca Specialist School.
Mr Scott Morrison School Council President said that the Victorian Government had betrayed the school and worse the students staff and families who believed their urgent needs would be recognised.
Respected retired Principal Bob Craig said he was not just disappointed but educationally ashamed.
“This should not be about the politics it’s about the children” Mr Walsh said.
“Echuca Specialist School must be funded.
“The students are among the most vulnerable and disadvantaged and they deserve so much better.”
Media contact – Wendy Nolan 0422893924